Reflective Activity: What would you consider the best way to issue badges? For milestones within a course or for the course as a whole? Or would you issue both? What are the strengths and weaknesses for each approach?
Currently focused on the technology important to the self-determined learner, a reference architecture for the digitization of oceans, and in building year-round greenhouses for Newfoundland and Labrador.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Open Badges Case Study 1 - Wikiversity, part 1
This case study is the first of a series of case studies created to help people learn about open badges. This case study describes the manual issuing of Mozilla Open Badges from within a Wikiversity course. This screencast discusses the scenario for the case study and touches upon how to design a badging system. It also describes how the criteria and evidence to manually issue badges can be stored and assessed.
Reflective Activity: What would you consider the best way to issue badges? For milestones within a course or for the course as a whole? Or would you issue both? What are the strengths and weaknesses for each approach?
Reflective Activity: What would you consider the best way to issue badges? For milestones within a course or for the course as a whole? Or would you issue both? What are the strengths and weaknesses for each approach?