During this time I read a "paper" written by Tim Unwin in July 2004 titled "Doing development research 'at home'". For me, the point of his paper is there is an amazing amount of volunteer and development work you can do from home. I also find that since this paper was written in 2004 a lot more tools have become available on the Internet to assist in doing volunteer work. From a philosophical perspective I also deeply agree with doing volunteer work from home;
- It's reduces travel and is therefore good for the environment.
- Staying close to home also focus your work on your local communities needs.
- It is more based on attraction rather than promotion in that the people who want your assistance will 'virtually' come to you.
- Working on things I am really passionate about
- Publish all my work and materials for free using the appropriate licensing scheme. With faith that someone somewhere will find the work useful.
- Offer my expertise in Communities of Practice and if people make comment or want further information about my works, engage and share expertise.
- Engage, engage, engage... it is an amazing and growing community of learners online. All learners, regardless of stage of learning, require assistance. Its iterative and amazing what you will learn from others, even in topics you believe yourself an expert.