- Who or What is the Badge Issuer? What do they need to exist? What technology do they need in place? What code, if any do they need to write to be an issuer?
- Who is the Badge Earner? How do they earn a badge? Where do they store their badges? As an earner is there technology i need to know how to use or code?
- Who or What is the Badge Displayer? What do they need to exist? What technology do they need in place? What code, if any do they need to write to be an displayer? Can a displayer also be an issuer?
- What technology Platform is required? How would I host an issuer, earner or displayer? Could I hack the platform myself? What specific technology skills are required? Would learning the following three technologies be enough to contribute to and utilize the OBI?
Currently focused on the technology important to the self-determined learner, an ocean data exchange, a reference architecture for the digitization of oceans, and in building year-round greenhouses for Newfoundland and Labrador.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Open Badges Learning Themes