Reflective Activity: If you are going to integrate badge issuing with your learning management system (LMS) or other server application, do you need more than just JavaScript?
Currently focused on the technology important to the self-determined learner, a reference architecture for the digitization of oceans, and in building year-round greenhouses for Newfoundland and Labrador.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Open Badges Step 2.1: Technical Prerequisites - JavaScript
The first of three screencasts on the technical prerequisites for integrating with the Open Badges Infrastructure. In this screen cast I discuss the basic javascript you need to know to manually issue badges. I also touch upon the prerequisites if you move beyond manually issuing badges and integrate with an LMS or other server application. This screencast is a part of a step-by-step guide built to support the onboarding of the non-technical OBI implementer.
Reflective Activity: If you are going to integrate badge issuing with your learning management system (LMS) or other server application, do you need more than just JavaScript?
Reflective Activity: If you are going to integrate badge issuing with your learning management system (LMS) or other server application, do you need more than just JavaScript?