Particularly, when the nature of the work has been created for the independent / self-directed learner?
So what kind of resources do I believe fall into the category of "created for the independent / self-directed learner"?
- Resources created specifically for professional development. Mostly, these resources are created for the independent / self-directed learner. And the nature of the work is servicing this groups learning needs while making a few dollars (not-for-profit and otherwise).
- Sample exams and testing resources; (GMAT, LSAT, Certification Exams, Etc). All these exams and testing resources are, in general, created for the individual in preparation for exams / tests.
- All self-help books (Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Other). Go get the book from the library, or buy it if you are using most of it. If your going to copy or publish a paragraph or section into your blog or some other social media, be sure to provide attribution. Otherwise, we are back to private study... remember, the dealing needs to be fair.
- I'm sure their are others... I'll list them here when I think of them or others comment with their suggestions.