David Wiley put together the open badges displayer hack so his students could generate the code required to display their badges at any location they could host JavaScript or HTML. This hack was important to support the badges the course had issued to the students. What is also interesting is the varied approaches behind the criteria and evidence of the badges for this course. When you look into the different json for each badge with particular focus on the criteria and evidence attributes you get to see the varied capabilities of issuing badges. To get started I'd suggest you review the following sites looking at some particular attributes;
- The introduction to openness in education course site provides a good look at the breadth of topics within openness in education. In particular, look at the right column list of topics. Spend some time reading all the tabs that make up the course. Look at the flexibility David Wiley has created in how to earn a badge. When you look at the badges issued, you see he also created ways for students to define their own criteria and then provide evidence.
- The badges earned page prompts the students to claim their badges, and taking a look at each students json file gives great insight into how assessment and badge awarding can be achieved within an academic environment.
- I opened up the json file for Wendy Woodfield and the awarding of the "OpenEd Overview" badge.The json file had the following criteria and evidence attributes; as you can see these two attributes resolve to URLs, and when you follow these you get the descriptions of what is required to be awarded the badge (criteria) and what Wendy created and accomplished to meet the criteria (evidence).
- criteria: http://www.kipsum.com/blog/2012/03/15/open-visualization-ninja-programmer-badge/
- evidence: http://www.kipsum.com/blog/2012/04/04/data-visualization/
{ "recipient": "sha256$a782df7378fc6a5190b3b25dd7834ce8e0c192055595bc4ae7e79dc10831ad44", "salt": "#ioe12", "evidence": "http://www.kipsum.com/blog/2012/04/04/data-visualization/", "issued_on": "2012-04-11", "badge": { "version": "1.0.0", "name": "OpenEd Visualization Ninja Programmer", "image": "http://openeducation.us/issuer/img/badge-assessment.png", "description": "Has designed a badge-based assessment for the Introduction to Open Education course.", "criteria": "http://www.kipsum.com/blog/2012/03/15/open-visualization-ninja-programmer-badge/", "issuer": { "origin": "http://openeducation.us/", "name": "David Wiley", "org": "Introduction to Open Education, 2012", "contact": "david.wiley@gmail.com" } } }To further explore the approach of issuing badges and how it can be done within peer based learning environments it is very useful to view the work of Alex Halavais. In particular, the slides from the slideshare below at around the 14 minute mark speak to the approaches for peer assessment within an online course.
In my mind, this means it is completely legitimate that you could issue yourself your own badges. And you would be the one who sets and enforces the quality and rigor required to earn your badge. If people come across your badge, and believe it is worthy, they could follow the same learning journey defined in the criteria and evidence and attempt acquiring the badge themselves. The subject of issuing your own badges requires further unpacking... but combined with peer-assessment from your personal learning network could provide a vehicle for self-directed life-long learners to publish their accomplishments in a way people could follow and even replicate.