Why? for a number of reasons;
- NoPhD has a better likelihood of becoming a meme than OnPhD.
- What I am doing is thumbing my nose at the PhD. Because I believe it is no longer relevant for the adult life-long learner. Particularly, given I have no intention of becoming an academic.
- What I am doing is No PhD, because I see the PhD as an academic brand.
- In this endeavour I believe the Networked part is much more important that the Open part. So the N should come before the O.
- I like the humorous side of calling it a NoPhD, even though it means Networked and Open.
- I'm doing this because I want to serve as an example (maybe even an inspiration). I want to show how a person using many corners of the available technology and pedagogical approaches can deepen their knowing in a chosen subject area. I want to become a case study in developing a PhD level of understanding in the open while drawing on my network and collaborating with others with similar interests. I also want to help others do the same. I don't want No stinkin' PhD!