- Deepen my involvement with the Heutagogy community
This will involve my engaging the communities of practice in and around heutagogy and autodidactism. - Read extensively about heutagogy and autodidactism (readings list)
- Write about my approaches to self-determined learning (publish in the open)
- Continue development of School of Badges and focus my efforts on Badge System Design and the technical courses on integrating Open Badges with open source learning platforms (Drupal, Moodle, Wordpress, MediaWiki, etc)
- Deepen my technical understanding (from a solutions architecture perspective) of available open source learning platforms and approaches.
- Keep learning about Open Badges technology including alternative methods of assessment an accreditation.
- Investigate and develop mobile learning applications with particular focus on video.
- Complete PhP / MySql online coursework
- Continue to deepen understanding of node.js, Github, and OpenBadges API's
- Pursue TOGAF certification
- Deepen understanding of IASA